prishtina “youth center”


“Youth Center” an iconic building for the capital City of – Prishtina (Kosovo), dominates downtown urban silhouette, and it is one of the most frequented places, today is working as it should be! After it was burned from fire, a lot of sport facilities remained closed. A lot of projects were made in order to revitalize the Youth Center, but none of them was ever financed.

This thesis is intended to deal with the public space by testing the potential of the so called “parametric approach”. It’s not a study in a traditional meaning. The idea is to use this kind of approach to deal with the communication between the platform and the citizen as well. The approach is light because I don’t want to destroy the image of the city. I’m not going to attack it, the building will stay there. Everything will be as a layer which is temporary but in the future can be permanent. The aim of the thesis is to design mechanism of revitalization in public spaces, focusing on interactive urban elements, which are used by groups of enthusiasts and active citizen.

The design process of the thesis will try to do this kind of intervention by making “parametric” not just a tool for good shape and design, but a tool that will interact with people behavior and make them feel powerful as a citizen of the city. If we are dealing with public spacing, we have to analyze the social structure of the city. The public spaces are use more in a performance way than in a tradition way of organization. This is the driving force to the final design project of the thesis. Sometimes public space have a character of ephemeral to understand how public space can work in a future. The thesis scenario intend to deal with the platform as an urban background in which some element are emphasizing possibilities of interaction between platform and users.

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